Resources and FAQs

Here you will find a selection of resources, videos and links which you might find helpful in your coaching and therapy journey

How do I know if therapy is right for me?

Therapy can benefit anyone seeking self-improvement, coping skills, or support.

What should I expect during a coaching session?

Coaching sessions involve goal-setting, accountability, and personalized strategies for success.

Is therapy confidential?

Yes, confidentiality is a top priority in therapy sessions to ensure trust and privacy.

How long does therapy or coaching usually take?

The duration varies depending on individual needs, goals, and progress, discussed during sessions.


Below you will find a selection of videos in English and Polish

Alcohol and Drug Dependency

DIP in and out with Lucy Wade Podcast


Czym jest uzależnienie od alkoholu?

(What is alcohol addition?)

Leczenie Uzależnienia

(Addiction Treatment)